



frequently asked questions



Q How can I place my order?

We have 3 options available for you to order.
Orders can be place on our website, OR you can send a Whatsapp on 082 877 0611 with your order
OR you can e-mail us at to place your order.

Q How do I pay?

When ordering on the website you can make the payment online. If you order on whatsapp or e-mail, you will be receiving payment details for you order.
Please note: If you did not make an online payment, you will be required to make an EFT payment, we do not accept cash payments.
Please use your Invoice number as your payment reference.
All deposits are NON-REFUNDABLE. If you didn’t make a payment you do not have a valid order.
Orders placed without payment within 10 days will be considered cancelled.
Moeiteloos will only start manufacturing your order once the payment is reflecting in our bank.

Q When can I expect my order?

Our standard lead time with each order is 3 to 7 workdays. Sometimes in can be sooner, but when we’re extremely busy we stick to the lead time. We always work as fast as possible to keep the smile on those faces. Larger orders can take up to 14 work days, depending on our workload.

Q Will I get charged if I need my order sooner?

Rush Order Fee is applicable, if you want to helped quicker. The amount that the rush order fee will be depends on how big of an order it is
and how much time we have.

Q Do you have insurance on the courier parcel?

No it is not standard, but insurance can be added at an additional fee for your own account. We will pack the order as good as we can, but can’t take responsibility for a third party damage. If you ordered a glass item, you will not be able to get insurance on the parcel.

Q Should I supply the design?

IF you already have a design that you would like to use, you can send the proper file with your design on it (PDF, CDR, SVG, PNG, JPEG etc.)
Please note that this must be of good quality.
You can send us all you specifications like theme, colour scheme, wording etc. and we can design something for you!
Please note: Designs that can take a lot of time and/or needs to be drawn from scratch may have additional design fee costs involve.

Q Do I need to supply the items I want engrave/printed etc.?

More than half of the items we sell we can provide for you, but there is an option where you can supply it yourself if you would like.
Please just insure to give the team of Moeiteloos a heads up, to tell you if they’re going to be able to work on you own product.

Q Can we visit the store?

Please note that Moeiteloos is a online shop only. All orders are custom made and are only made after ordering. WE KEEPING NOTHING IN STOCK.
Our website and facebook page serves as a catalogue or portfolio of our previous work.
You are welcome to ask for more info/picture of items. Moeiteloos’s office is only a pick up point.


  Mari & Fifi

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Mon – Fri: 8am – 5pm
Closed on
Weekends & Public Holidays